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The Sierra Ave. Church of Christ is led and shepherded by two elders. This type of church leadership follows the pattern of the New Testament church. According to 1 Peter 5:2-3, elders are called to care for God’s people and lead the local congregation. A biblical elder is happy to serve and is a good example of Christ to the ones they lead.


Greg Branch

Greg has been with the congregation since 1999.  He and his wife, Rachel, have been married since 1988 and have 4 adult children.  When asked about his passion, he said “I love studying and teaching the Word of God in the public assembly, or in the privacy of a home.  I cherish singing praises with the congregation and desire earnestly to be a shepherd who is well pleasing to our Lord.”


Mike Scheuber

Mike has been with the congregation since 2001. He and his wife Sarah have three children. Mike says he, “enjoys teaching publicly and spending time with my church family.” He desires to serve our Lord by assisting in shepherding the flock.  


In addition to the elders in the congregation, the Sierra Ave. Church of Christ also has four faithful men who serve the congregation as deacons according to the instructions of 1 Timothy 3:8-13. These men strive to meet the needs of all within the church family and provide help in any way possible.


Andy Trent

Andy has attended the Oakdale Church of Christ since 2015. He and his wife, Rendi, have been married since 2000. They have four children. Andy says, "I am thankful for the blessing of worshiping with the Oakdale congregation and I especially love the singing. It is my desire to serve this congregation in any capacity."


Monte Wood

Monte and his wife, Rebecca, have been members of the Sierra congregation for over 20 years. Monte considers it a great blessing and is thankful to be raising their two daughters amongst such loving and sincere Christian people. Monte said, “It is an honor to be able to serve and serve with the brethren of the Sierra Ave. Church of Christ.”


Travis DePonte

Travis grew up in the Oakdale congregation, making it his home with his wife, Shanna, and three boys since their marriage in 2001. He has a strong commitment to serving the church and expressed, “I love worshiping with the church family at Oakdale and I will strive to encourage and strengthen our members with as much compassion and love they have shown me.”


Brian Osburn

Brian has been with the congregation since 2008. He and his wife, Melissa, have been married since 2000 and have two teenage children. Brian has a passion for singing and enjoys using his abilities to lead the congregation in worship. Brian stated, “The congregation at the Sierra Ave. Church of Christ has been an invaluable source of encouragement and strength for my family and me.”


Having an evangelist within the Sierra Ave. Church of Christ congregation is a wonderful blessing. The evangelist spends his time not only in teaching the congregation, but doing his utmost to spread the Gospel of Christ to all those willing to hear.


Jimmy Cating

Jimmy has been preaching the gospel for over 25 years, serving the congregation in Oakdale since 2019. He and his wife, Bretta, have been married since 1997. They have four children, two in college and two in high school. He has a passion to study the Bible with anyone interested. As an evangelist, his goal is to spread the good news about Jesus locally and in the mission field.